Monday, May 28, 2012

Chapter 5: Exercise 16_Lopez

Mirna Callejas-Lopez
Chapter 5: Exercise # 16
In sports and games, many expressions are “performative.” By shouting “You’re out, the first base umpire performs an act. Think up half a dozen or so similar examples and explain their use.
1.     Game:  Tag- Designated “it” runs after others to tap them on their shoulder, when he taps another person the “it” says "Tag, you're it" means "Got you, you are the “it” that’s chasing now
2.     Game:  Basketball- "Foul!" accompanied by gesture indicating where the illegal contact occurred by the referee.
3.     Game: Baseball- "Fair ball!" when the ball “grounder” touches the top of the 3rd base bag the umpire will then get the left fielder to  retrieve the ball signaling to the team to get it back into the infield as soon as possible.
4.     Game: Baseball: "Strike 1,2,3 Umpire keeps record of  number of strikeouts in an inning, since it is possible for a batter to safely reach first base without recording an out if the catcher does not hold the third strike.
5.     Game: Football- “foul: a violation of football’s rules by a team or player, punishable by a penalty.
6.     Game: Football -“touchdown when a team crosses the opponent’s goal line with the ball, catches a pass in the opponent’s end zone, or recovers a loose ball in the opponent’s end zone; earns a team 6 points.

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