Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chapter 5 exercise 6- A. Williams

Explain the semantic ambiguity of the following sentences by providing

two or more sentences that paraphrase the multiple meaning.

a.      He waited by the bank

•       A man is standing by the financial institution.

•       A man is waiting outside of the bank.

b.      Is he really that kind?

•       Is he really that nice?

•       Is he really that generous?

c.      The proprietor of the fish store was the sole owner.

•       The business man/woman was the owner of the fish store.

•       The owner of the fish store was the only owner.

d.      The long drill was boring.

•       The long training was dull.

•       The long practice was not exciting.

e.      When he got the clear title to the land, it was a good deed.

•       When he got the documents for the land, it was free and clear.

•       When he received the official paperwork, the deed was clean.

f.      It takes a good ruler to make a straight line.

•       It takes a good measuring tool to draw a horizontal line.

•       It takes a good king to keep people in order.

g.      He saw that gasoline can explode.

•       He observed the gas can go up in flames.

•       He watched the fuel can burst in flames.

h.      You should see her shop.

•       You can see her purchase many items from the store.

•       You can see her buy some clothes.

i.      Every man loves a woman.

•       Every husband loves his wife.

•       Every man loves his mother.

j.   You can get half off the cost of your hotel room if you make your own bed.

•       You can get 50% off your lodging if you make your own bed.

•       You can get a significant discount if you make your own bed.

 k. “It’s his job to lose” (said the coach about his new player)

•        It is the players fault if he loses his position.

•       It is your opportunity to shine if another player falls short.

k.      Bill wants to marry a Norwegian woman.

•       He wants to spend the rest of his life with a foreign woman.

•       He wants to grow old with a woman from Norway.

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