Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chapter 10. Jerry Smith Question #11, 14, & 19

11.    In Column A are Cockney rhyming slang expressions.  Match these to the items in Column B to which they refer.

         a.  drip dry                                                                                                 cry

b.      in the mood                                                                       food

c.        insects and ants                                                              pants                  

d.      orchestra stalls                                                                  balls

e.      Oxford scholar                                                                  dollar

f.        Strike me dead                                                                 bread

g.       Ship in full sail                                                                    ale

h.      Chair                                                           stooping stair                                              

i.         House                                                         lousy couch                                 

j.         Coat                                                           dry boat                                         

k.       Eggs                                                           soggy Meg's                                  

l.         Pencil                                                        Pan's flute with Christmas tinsel                                                                                           

14.    The words waitron and waitperson are currently fighting it out to see which, if either, will replace waitress as a gender-neutral term. Using dictionaries, the internet and whatever other resources you can think of, predict the winner, or the failure of both candidates.  Give reasons for your answers.

Waitperson will be the winner I predict.  The addition of the word person makes it more humanlike and likeable.  Waitron seems to be machine-like ( an automaton and who tips a robot). The suffix" tron" representing mechanical and robotic type of work is far too impersonal and all waiters, waitperson's, waitresses, or waiters all want to establish a personal relationship with their customers because if there is no relationship there will be no tip.

19.One aspect of different English genderlects is lexical choice.  For example, women say darling and lovely more frequently than men;  men use sports word methaphors such as home run and slam dunk more than women.  Think of other lexical usages that appear to be asymmetric between the sexes.




Talk shop




Cry baby





Movie characters that vary by sex and each group copies words, style, semantics in their lexicon.

Woman with the Dragon tattoo                                        Borne Identify

(thinks beyond & around others)                                     (battles into submission)

G.I. Jane                                                                                  James Bond

(works harder & achieves acceptance)                            (seduces & blows up adversaries)

Clarisse Jenkins  (F.B.I. agent)                                             Hannibal Lechter (deranged self serving doctor)                           

Women save themselves or family                                   Men save or expose the world (or so they think)

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