Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Chapter 3, #2 - A. Haddad

Divide the following words by placing a + between their morphemes. (some of the words may be monomorphemic and therefore indivisible.)

A. Retroactive = Retro + act + ive
B. Befriended= be + friend + ed
C. Televise = tele + vise
D. Margin = Monomorphemic?
E. Endearment = end + ear + ment
F. Psychology = psych + ology
G. Unpalatable = un + palat + able
H. Holiday = holi + day
I. Grandmother = grand + mother
J. Morphemic = morph + em + ic
K. Mistreatment = mis + treat + ment
L. Deactivation = de + act + iv + ation
M. Saltpeter = salt + pet + er
N. Airsickness = air + sick + ness

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